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WMG Biomedical (Lemon Healthcare)

የቴሌግራም ቻናል አርማ lemonhealthcare — WMG Biomedical (Lemon Healthcare) W
የቴሌግራም ቻናል አርማ lemonhealthcare — WMG Biomedical (Lemon Healthcare)
የሰርጥ አድራሻ: @lemonhealthcare
ምድቦች: ጤና
ቋንቋ: አማርኛ
ተመዝጋቢዎች: 2.14K
የሰርጥ መግለጫ

What does WMG do?
•(Medical device import
•Installation,(Site preparation,end user training)
•Maintenance,(preventive, corrective)
•Training (Professionals, institution and service provider)
•consultation, (procurement planning hospital design)

Ratings & Reviews


2 reviews

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የቅርብ ጊዜ መልዕክቶች 6

2021-10-15 12:49:26
ከጤና ሚኒስቴር ፦

ከከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት በህክምና፣ ነርሲንግ፣ ሜዲካል ላብራቶሪ ሳይንስ፣ ጤና መኮንን፣ ሚድዋይፈሪ፣ ፋርማሲ፣ አንስቴዥያ፣ ዴንታል ሜድስን እና ሜዲካል ራዲዮሎጂ ቴክኖሎጂ ሙያዎች በመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ ተመርቃችሁ ቅድመ ሙያ ፍቃድ የብቃት ምዘና ፈተና ለመውሰድ በመጠባበቅ ላይ የምትገኙ ጤና ባለሙያዎች በህዳር/2014 ዓ.ም ለሚሰጠው ፈተና ምዝገባ ከጥቅምት 05-20/2014 ዓ.ም የሚካሄድ ስለሆነ አዲስም ሆነ ዳግም ተመዛኞች በኦንላይን ላይ በመግባት የተቀመጠውን መመሪያ (Instruction) በጥንቃቄ በማንበብ ምዝገባችሁን እንድታከናውኑ እያሳሰብን የኦንላይን ምዝገባው እስከ ጥቅምት 20/2014 ዓ.ም ብቻ የሚቆይና ከተጠቀሰው ቀን በኋላ ምንም አይነት የምዝገባ ጥያቄ የማንቀበል መሆኑን አውቃችሁ በተጠቀሱት ቀናት እንድትመዘገቡና ሲስተሙ የሚሰጣችሁን የፈተና መለያ ቁጥር (Registration No) የያዘ ፎርም Print አድርጋችሁ በመያዝ ስትመዘገቡ በመረጣችሁት የፈተና ጣቢያ በፈተናው ወቅት እንድትገኙ እናሳስባለን፡፡

ማሳሰቢያ፦ ምዝገባው ለአዲስም ሆነ ነባር ተመዛኞች፣ ለመንግስትም ሆነ የግል ተቋም ተመራቂዎች ሙሉ ለሙሉ online የሚካሄድ በመሆኑ ተመዛኞች ይህንን አውቃችሁ በመመሪያው መሰረት የትምህርት ማስረጃችሁን (ዲግሪ) በማያያዝ (Upload በማድረግ) እንድትመዘገቡ እያሳሰብን፣ የግል የትምህርት ተቋማት ተመዛኞች ለፈተናው ለመመዝገብ የትምህርት ማስረጃዎቻችሁን ህጋዊነት እና ትክክለኛነት በከፍተኛ ትምህርት አግባብነትና ጥራት ኤጄንሲ (HERQA) በኩል ማረጋገጥ (Authenticate ማስደረግ) እንዲሁም ስማችሁ ከHERQA ወደ ጤና ሚኒስቴር እንዲተላለፍ ማድረግ የሚጠበቅባችሁ መሆኑን እናሳስባለን፡፡

394 views09:49
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-10-14 06:00:07 What Is an Oxygen Concentrator?

An oxygen concentrator is a medical device that gives you extra oxygen. Your doctor may prescribe one for you if you have a health condition that causes your oxygen level to drop too low.

It can help some people who have trouble breathing due to conditions like:

Asthma, Lung cancer, COPD, The flu, COVID-19

Read More

For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

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#medicaldevicesethiopia #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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11.5K views03:00
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-10-13 10:02:57
For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

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#medicaldevicesethiopia #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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87 viewsedited  07:02
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-10-11 07:03:57
WMG Biomedical Engineering bringing you Fanem Infant Incubator (1186 C) from Brazil.

Products Features

- Wide and ergonomic top with security lock
- Made of high optical quality inMade transparent acrylic
- With double walls to reduce heat loss caused by irradiation
- Five oval ports. High durability non-toxic gaskets.
- Iris type port in the bedside to pass and hold circuits
- Eight grommets for the access of cables and probes, in two levels, in the four bed corners

For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

For Services and Maintenance

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#Fanem #1186C InfantIncubator #medicaldevicesethiopia #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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8.6K viewsedited  04:03
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-10-08 05:36:51
We brought you comfortable Wheelchair from Yuwell Model H102

Product Features

- Detachable armrest
- Elevating padded legrests
- Leather seat pad
- Electroplated frame
- Completely plastic wheel ring
- American style
- Seat width 51cm

For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

For Services and Maintenance

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#Yuwell #H102 Wheelchair #medicaldevicesethiopia #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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456 viewsedited  02:36
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-10-05 06:38:03
Yuwell Electric suction Apparatus 7A-23D is here

Product Features

-Transportable electric suction apparatus
-Equipped with vacuum control system - Safe and reliable Mobile due to transport wheels

For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

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#YuwellElectricSuctionApparatus #7A23D #medicaldevicesethiopia #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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12.2K views03:38
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-10-02 10:49:21
Looking for Oxygen Concentrator? Choose Yuwell 8F-5AW.
- This is a compact and light-weight Oxygen Concentrator with 5 LPM capacity.
- It has a built-in nebulizer port, LCD display with timer function and remote control.
- This model features a self-diagnosis system and comes with multiple safety alarms.
- The precision compressor is made with German technology and has a service life of over 30,000 hours.
- This model is also highly suitable for rental agencies with it's light weight and large top handle making it easy to transport.

For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

For Services and Maintenance

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#medicaldevicesethiopia #Yuwell8F5Aw #OxygenConcentrator #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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200 views07:49
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-10-02 10:48:38
Looking for Oxygen Concentrator? Choose Yuwell 8F-5AW.
- This is a compact and light-weight Oxygen Concentrator with 5 LPM capacity.
- It has a built-in nebulizer port, LCD display with timer function and remote control.
- This model features a self-diagnosis system and comes with multiple safety alarms.
- The precision compressor is made with German technology and has a service life of over 30,000 hours.
- This model is also highly suitable for rental agencies with it's light weight and large top handle making it easy to transport.

For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

For Services and Maintenance

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#medicaldevicesethiopia #Yuwell8F5Aw #OxygenConcentrator #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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15.7K views07:48
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-09-29 10:28:56
WMG Biomedical Engineering - Together, for Better Health!
Your Medical Equipment Partner!

For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

For Services and Maintenance

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#medicaldevicesethiopia #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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57 views07:28
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ
2021-09-29 10:27:26
WMG Biomedical Engineering - Together, for Better Health!
Your Medical Equipment Partner!

For sales contact
0938828282 0929903187
0944307141 0930179560

For Services and Maintenance

For More Information


#medicaldevicesethiopia #lemonhealthcare #WMGBiomedicalEngineering

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6.2K views07:27
ክፈት / አስተያየት ይስጡ