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' BLACKS REGION '                         ( part 2 ) ...Conta | " የዞስካለስ እይታዎች "

                        ( part 2 )

...Contact Us With this slave trade in Africa , North Africans were controlled by their Arab slave masters and their identity were changed .
  - Aben Alas invadea Egypt in December 639 AD . 1.9 Amir had successfully conquered Egypt and went ahead and conquered other places such as Tunisia and western Libya . Once these areas had been completely conquered by the Arabs , they imposed tributes of 360 slaves in all regions they occupied and controlled .

With this slave trade in Africa , North Africans were controlled by their Arab slave masters and their identity were changed . Remember that every time you see a modern Egyptian claim to be of North African origin , ..

  Author & editor :-
               zooskales tilahun

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