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Are you trying to improve yourself??? you can be | Living Dream

Are you trying to improve yourself???

you can become a thourght leader in your field?
It's surely challenging and sometimes overwhelming when you have to handle multiple responsibilites and demands. The good news is, you CAN achieve your #Dreams and become what you aspire to be!

❼ ( seven)Things You Should Know To Reach Your Dreams
Everyone has dreams and the wonderful thing is, you can have anything you want if you have the right attitude and take the right steps. Reach Your Dreams with these 7 valuable life hacks and have fun doing it!

1. Be Confident and Positive
This is the backbone for all the other tips to reach your dreams. The more positive you are, the more you are open to opportunities and success. Law of Attraction states that whatever you put out comes back to you — so as you see the best in things and as you think highly of yourself, you begin to attract the people and situations into your life that will lead you to what you want. Think about it: when you are feeling down and frustrated, you probably aren’t very clear, focused or connected. You may be looking at the ground worrying, instead of making eye contact and striking up a wonderful conversation that might just change your life. Happy, successful people surround themselves with other happy people. So be confident, be positive and appreciate the little things as well as the big.

#But very essential question to mention here is

??How to be confident in life???
??How to think positive thoughts??!

#Being confident
Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities — not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way.

Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others. It's a quiet inner knowledge that you're capable. Confident people: feel secure rather than insecure.
Here are ways to trick yourself into feeling confident,

Think about the days you did feel confident. ...
Adjust your posture. ...
Repeat a positive affirmation. ...
Refuse to talk negatively about yourself. ...
Learn how to accept criticism. ...
Practice different breathing patterns. ...
Wear something that makes you feel good.

Will continue poweriful ways to build confidence in one self!!

#How to think positive thoughts??

Positive thinking isn’t magic and it won’t make all of your problems disappear. What it will do is make problems seem more manageable and help you approach hardships in a more positive and productive way.

Thinking positive can manifest itself in several ways. First, change your focus – because “Where focus goes, energy flows,” as Tony says. Instead of getting hung up on all the ways something could go wrong, focus on all the ways it could go right. Think about how you’re going to nail your presentation and how pleased your coworkers will be to hear it. What you focus on becomes your reality – and that includes what you focus on within your own mind. Replace negative words with positive ones and start seeing the bright side of situations.

By changing your focus, internally and externally, you’re changing your state. And by changing your state, you’ll change your life.

Will continue ...some tips that to get you started that can help you train your brain how to think positively...................



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