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As they sat in the coffee shop,he kept a pretty long glance at | Nocturnal Thoughts

As they sat in the coffee shop,he kept a pretty long glance at her and he wished he wanted to save the moment of that precise time. He thought she looked glorious at that moment, how the sun strike through the window Infront of her and she seemed to shine, he saw one or two white hairs, that shines in the sunlight, that seems to amuse him always. not that she was old, she was actually much younger than him but her gray hair kinda makes him think it adds to her beauty.
"merry, tell me please if you can tell me what's on your mind, but make sure what you gonna tell me is something authentic.i mean, Think about something ask your self if that something you thought came from your social background, family, religion,or something like that, if it's from those, leave it, try to think something something that feels like only your own."
" but how can I tell something is that original, isn't what ever I think related to those things you said ?"
He listened and thought about it while he sips his coffee " am pretty sure you can think of something, we all can and we all have the ability. We just need a trigger."
" then would you trigger me Mr" she replied with cracking a dangerous smile and then she lazily lay her head on the coffee table without breaking her eyes off him.

" Ok lazy bone,let me ask you , what does it mean to be human for you?" He was looking at her while he is sipping his coffee.
She could always recognise his curiose eyes when ever they lay on her, it makes her feel like she was putting on a comfy blanket over.

" To be human for me is to be able to think and feel towards the thing that I can perceive, to be human is to be able to through unimaginable and consistent suffering and still be able to hope. I think only humans can actually hope. Take the way I fee about you, sometimes they can be cruel, crushingly painful but somehow I can find beauty in it, because am a human."

He leaned down as she lay on the table and gave her a kiss on the cheek and thought to him self, isn't that something to think of.