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Hello our fams Scholarship Tips Study In Italy | ETHIO-GENUINE-CONSULTANCY ™

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Scholarship Tips Study In Italy

1. Can I work while studying at university in Italy ?

As an international student in Italy, you are allowed to work - and it’s a great way to finance your studies.

Non-EU students can still work for a maximum of 20 hours a week - or 1,040 hours a year -, but cannot start a business.

A popular option for students looking for part-time jobs are the so-called 150 ore. These are 150 hours that selected students spend working for the university (usually in the administrative departments) at a decent wage. Every university has its own application process.

2. Do I need to pay for medical appointments in Italy as an international student

Medical appointments are free in Italy on the national health service, the servizio sanitario nazionale. Italy has a high-quality national health system which provides many services, such as doctor’s appointments and some hospital appointments and procedures, including emergency, for free.

3. How to save money as a student in Italy ?

Have your coffee at the counter as the Italians do

Table service costs more, and the same applies to anything you’ll have in a café.

Make use of the university canteen - or even better, make lunch at home and bring it with you.

Look out for student nights in clubs and bars, as they usually have cheap drinks.

If you need to use public transport, ensure you get the travel card (abbonamento) with student discount.

If you feel like doing some shopping, go and scout deals at the neighborhood market.

Finally, the most important tip: Learn Italian! Local knowledge will not only make your experience immensely more enjoyable, but it will make it easier for you to know how to save money in your daily life

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