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'4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.' | Think Different

"4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted."
(Matthew 5:4)

At some point in life death is inevitable; it's a place that we're all gonna go.
Losing some one who has been around us can be really hard and it's a thing that's gonna test our faith cause we've dreamed a lot of things with that person ;whether its our parent or a friend or a partner we all want our loved ones to see our success , make them proud and pay all the sacrifices they made for us back but when we lose them suddenly we might feel like we're robbed of that dream and we're gonna start thinking God is unfair "He's an almighty God He could have saved the person " and this thought is probably gonna hunt us but we've got only two options in this situation we're either gonna wallow in our sorrows and resent God for the rest our life or we're gonna let God take control of our life cause God loved this person more than we thought we loved this person and the thing that has been given to us from him cant and will never be above him.

So the thing I want to tell you all is mourning is not sin we can cry and grief for the things that we've lost in every way that we want but letting this pain and grief control our life and dictate us is a sin cause we're letting anything other than God have power over us so I hope that we can all learn to heal and learn from all the things that happened to us and believe that God can heal any wound with out even leaving a scar.
