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#Logic Identify the fallacies of weak induction. 1.The Daily | Ac


Identify the fallacies of weak induction.

1.The Daily News carried an article this morning about three local teenagers who were arrested on charges of drug possession.Teenagers these days are nothing but a bunch of junkies. The comitted fallacy__

A) Slippery slope
B) Appeal to unqualified authority
C) False cause
D) Converse Accident

Answer : D

2. If a car breaks down on the freeway, a passing mechanic is not obligated to render emergency road service. For similar reasons, if a person suffers a heart attack on the street, a passing physician is not obligated to render emergency medical assistance. The comitted fallacy__

A) weak analogy
B) Post hoc ergo propter hoc
C) Non causa
D) Appeal to ignorance.

Answer : A

3.There must be something to psychical research.Three famous physicists – Oliver Lodge, JamesJeans, and Arthur Stanley Eddington—took it seriously. The commited fallacy ___

A) Appeal to ignorance
B) oversimplified cause
C) Appeal to unqualified authority
D) slippery slope

Answer : C

4) If we allow students to preach in the university, they will start to pray in the university. If we allow the prayer, they will arrange a religious conference in the university. If we allow religious conference, they will turn out the university into religious institutions. Therefore, we should stop students from preaching in the university. The commited fallacy is____

A) Oversimplified cause
B) Slippery slope
C) non causa pro causa
D) Appeal to ignorance.

Answer : B

5) There are more schools and clinics in rular Oromia than ever before. The only explanatory factor is the commitement of the government to lift its people out of poverty. What type of fallacy is commited by the arguer?

A) Post hoc ergo propter hoc
B) Non causa pro causa
C) Oversimplified Cause
D) Slippery slope

Answer : C

6) There are more churches in Hawassa City than in any other city in the nation and more crimes are commited in Hawassa city than anywhere else. So, if we are to eliminate , we must abolish churches." The argument commits the fallacy of___

A) Post hoc ergo propter hoc
B) Non causa pro causa
C) Oversimplified Cause
D) Slippery slope

Answer : B

7) Whenever Seladin Seid scores a goal for Ethiopian National Team, a famous American film actor will immediately die. Therefore, in order to stop the death of an American film actor, Seladin seid should be prevented from scoring goals. The commited fallacy is__

A) Post hoc ergo propter hoc
B) Non causa pro causa
C) Oversimplified Cause
D) Slippery slope

Answer : A

8) The secretaries have asked us to provide lounge areas where they can spend their coffee breaks. This request will have to be refused. If we give them lounge areas, next they’ll be asking for spas and swimming pools. Then it will be racquetball courts, tennis courts, and fitness centers. Expenditures for these facilities will drive us into bankruptcy. The fallacy commited by the argure is___

A) Slippery slope
B) Appeal to ignorance
C) Appeal to unqualified authority
D) weak analogy

Answer : A

9) The accumulation of pressure in a society is similar to the build-up of pressure in a boiler. If the pressure in a boiler increases beyond a critical point, the
boiler will explode. Accordingly, if a government represses its people beyond a certain point, the people will rise up in revolt. The commited fallacy is___

A) Hasy Generalization
B) Converse acident
C) Weak Analogy
D) None
E) A and B

Answer : C

10) A few minutes after Governor Harrison finished his speech on television, a devastating earthquake struck southern Alaska. For the safety of the people
up there, it is imperative that Governor Harrison make no more speeches. The fallacy is___

A) Post hoc ergo propter hoc
B) Non causa pro causa
C) Oversimplified Cause
D) Slippery slope

Answer : A

11) No one has ever been able to prove the existence of extrasensory perception. We must therefore conclude that extrasensory perception is a myth. The fallacy is___

A) Converse accident
B) Oversimplified cause
C) Weak analogy
D) Appeal to ignorance

Answer : D